


Internet Intern & Teaching Assistant & Graduate Student


University of California, Davis

Sept. 2020 - Present, Sacramento, America

  • M.Eng. in Computer Science
  • Cumulative GPA: 3.7+/4.0

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Sept. 2017 - Jun. 2020, Wuhan, China

  • M.Eng. in Computer System Architecture
  • Cumulative GPA: 82.65/100.00

Hunan University

Sept. 2013 - Jun. 2017, Changsha, China

  • B.Eng. in Software Engineering
  • Cumulative GPA: 3.62/4.50


The Comparison and Analysis of ServiceMesh

Researcher, 2021 - Present, Huawei, China

  • Studied and researched 3 main ServiceMeshes (Istio, Kube-proxy, EdgeMesh)
  • Compared and analyzed these ServiceMeshes form architecture, functionality, and performance
  • Designed a comprehensive tester for their performance (DOING)

Cross-edge Cloud Service Discovery and Traffic Governance

Developer, Jan. 2021 - Feb. 2021, Huawei, China

  • Studied the architecture of edge cloud platform, and researched its APIs
  • Conduced an exprimentation to verify the feasibility of this project
  • Implemented automatic environment creation by RESTful APIs (including 5000+ LoC)

The Performance Testing of EdgeMesh

Tester, Nov. 2020 - Dec. 2020, Huawei, China

  • Studied the design and functionality of EdgeMesh by reading its code and documentations
  • Designed a test program to evaluate the performance of EdgeMesh (including 100+ LoC)
  • Outputted a comprehensive report to analyze the test results

The Optimization of the Scalability for Container File System

Researcher, Sept. 2017 - Jun. 2020, HUST, China

  • Modified FxMark to meet the requirement of testing the scalability of Overlay2 (including 1000+ LoC)
  • Found 2 main performance bottlenecks: File Redirection and Rename Lock Contention
  • Presented Memorable Redirection to improve File Opening by 10%
  • Designed Free-lock Rename to improve Rename, Copy-on-Write and Deletion by 100%-300%

Cloud Computing

Assistant Writer, Mar. 2018 - Jul. 2018, HUST, China

  • Searched and organized relevant materials, including 100+ reports, journals and papers
  • Assisted to write about 100000 words of the book

Power Load Forecasting Visualization Platform

Developer, Dec. 2016 - Jun. 2017, HNU, China

  • Designed the platform framework and database, supporting TB-level data access
  • Implemented a SVM-based prediction algorithm with an average accuracy of 97%
  • Designed and developed 20+ visualization charts
  • Improved the cross-platform compatibility and the scalability of prediction algorithms


Edge Cloud Innovation Lab

Development Engineer, Nov. 2020 - Present, Huawei, China

  • Studied the architecture of an edge cloud platform (KubeEdge)
  • Skilled in using containerization technology (Docker, Kubernetes, ServiceMesh, etc)
  • Designed and conduced a comprehensive performance testing of EdgeMesh
  • Participated in the development of Cross-edge Cloud Service Discovery and Traffic Governance
  • Compared and analyzed several ServiceMeshes (Istio, Kube-proxy, EdgeMesh)

College of Engineering

Teaching Assistant, Jan. 2021 - March. 2021, UC Davis, America

  • Hosted Office Hours of ECS 150 (Operating Systems) to 200 students
  • Guided 3 course projects (shell, thread library, file system)
  • Interviewed 50+ students for the interactive grading
  • Participated in 5 grading activities (3 projects, 2 midterms)

Cluster and Grid Computing Lab

Network Administrator, Mar. 2019 - Jun. 2020, HUST, China

  • Administrated and maintained a HPC cluster, including 300+ compute nodes
  • Monitored and reported 10+ potential risks of the cluster
  • Repaired 100+ software or hardware malfunctions on the cluster


Hong Mei and Hai Jin. Cloud Computing: the Infrastructure and Service Engine of the Information Society[M]. Science and technology of China press, ISBN 978-7-5046-8289-5.



English (TOEFL 100, GRE 322+4), C, C++, Go, Python, HTML, Script, MySQL


Lock Contention, File System, Linux Kernel

Cloud Computing:

Docker, Kubernetes

Edge Computing:

KubeEdge, ServiceMesh

Machine Learning:

Neural Network, Optimization Algorithm


Data Mining, Prediction Algorithm

xiaoliyang1994@outlook.com • +86 185 0712 0727 •
Address - Turpan, Xinjiang, China